The Application
1.1. The Application is available to all.
1.2. You must use the Application and its services in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
1.3. You agree not to use any device or software to inflict any damage on the Application and to evade the normal procedure, to interfere or attempt to interfere with the work process of the Application.
1.4. You agree not to take any action that will impose an excessive or disproportionately heavy load on our server.
You agree to inform the Company if you somehow get the information concerning the cyber criminals to prepare attack against the Application.
1.5. You are not entitled to be engaged in advertising or persuading other registered Application users to buy or sell any products or services.
1.6. You can use the available parental control tools (software for blocking and filtering specific applications and resources) in order to limit the minors’ access to the Application.
1.7. The Application users and other persons close to the Application users are forbidden to go half-naked or nude in front of the camera, expose their genitals in the video camera, send other Application users any kind of visual images and descriptions of nudity as well as verbal and written descriptions and audio-video content of an erotic/pornographic nature.
1.8. By turning your camera on you confirm that you are 18 years old or older and that you are an adult according to your country’s law.
1.9. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED in the video chat to demonstrate genitals or use your video camera to broadcast photo-video content of an erotic/pornographic nature, even if it is you yourself who features in that photo-video.
1.10. Organizations and any other social entities are not eligible to register as Application users or use the Application for any purpose.
1.11. Illegal and/or unauthorized use of the Application, including the unauthorized Application frame positioning or links posting, as well as unsolicited commercial messages sent in bulk, are subject to investigation and further appropriate legal action, including but not limited to the proceedings and protective measures.
1.12. You agree that if there arises a dispute between you and one or more Application users you will not demand or make a claim to the Company, including its officers and employees, to pay for any damages (actual or consequential, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected disclosed or undisclosed) caused by or connected with such disputes in some way.